I quickly learned the best way to keep my bitcoins was on cold storage--paper wallets. This means your bitcoins are associated with a set of keys that are printed on paper. This kind of storage is "cold" because these keys are not stored electronically, where they could be accessed by hackers.
This method works very well, but I knew we still needed some solution for everyday spending so bitcoin could be more than a commodity; something that could actually be used at a point of sale.
By keeping bitcoins stored over many different bills in differing denominations, it limits a theif's ability to steal your coins (In the same way carrying a bunch of 20s is better than a 100 dollar bill.)
This project remains an open source project for any developers to make their own equipment that uses these designs. So far, Jeff Hockema ofEncryptedBitcoinWallet.com has taken me up on this, offering these designs as an option for printing (Update: No longer available).